Player information: Frank A Bonsey (2010 - 2011 season)

Listed below are details for Frank A Bonsey who has yet to play in a match during the 2021 - 22 season:

Personal information
Club Basingstoke
ECF rating code 106983E
ECF membership code ME005120
ECF membership expires August
ECF membership category Bronze
Standard-play rating 1593, D
Rapid-play rating Not yet available
National Federation en.png
LMS Test first registered 16-10-2008
LMS Test registration status Yes
2018-19 season 2 matches
2013-14 season 6 matches
2012-13 season 12 matches
2011-12 season 14 matches
2010-11 season 12 matches
2009-10 season 13 matches
2008-9 season 12 matches
2010 - 2011 season performance statistics
Date Match Division Type SP/RP Opponent Board Result
20-09-2010 Crowthorne C vs Basingstoke A 3 Online SP David Herring s1735E three loss
13-10-2010 Basingstoke A vs Farnham B 3 Online SP Roger H Griffiths s?? three loss
03-11-2010 Basingstoke A vs Camberley B 3 Online SP Gordon G Birch s1503C four loss
18-11-2010 Godalming A vs Basingstoke A 3 Online SP John Powell s?? four draw
23-11-2010 Fleet & Farnborough A vs Basingstoke A 3 Online SP W Colin Smeaton s1585E three win
01-12-2010 Basingstoke A vs Guildford D 3 Online SP Adrian DP Waldock s1675A three draw
06-12-2010 Farnham B vs Basingstoke A 3 Online SP Jonathan G Young s1581B three draw
12-01-2011 Basingstoke A vs Crowthorne C 3 Online SP Robert Wooding s1585C four draw
09-02-2011 Basingstoke A vs Fleet & Farnborough A 3 Online SP W Colin Smeaton s1585E four draw
22-02-2011 Camberley B vs Basingstoke A 3 Online SP Kumar Dixit s1975* four loss
09-03-2011 Basingstoke A vs Godalming A 3 Online SP Mark J Fulleylove s1713D four win
21-03-2011 Guildford D vs Basingstoke A 3 Online SP Jonathan G Burch s1885* four loss
Performance summary for 2010 - 2011 season
Number of standard-play games: 12
Standard-play performance:  +2  =5  -5  = 37.5%  (with all games completed)