Click here to visit the Sandpit Chess League Graham Smith Shield: Godalming A vs Farnham B

Date: 04-03-2010, Division: 3, Trophy: Graham Smith Shield
Rating limit: <156, (standardplay), Colours: pre-determined : Home Board One has black
Match type : Online,

Rounds: 1
, Handicap: No
Adjournment possible: Yes
, Adjudication possible: No
Board Home player Result Away player Rating
difference (Δ)
one Iain Reeve s1720C 1/2-1/2 Alun Harford
two Alan G Bice s1660C 1/2-1/2 Timothy Davis s1990B -330
three Peter J Horlock s1705A 0-1 Christian Montanari s1675* +30
four John Powell 1-0 Roger H Griffiths
five Mark J Fulleylove s1713D 1-0 Glen Plant s1450* +263
Mean rating Home team: 1699.5   Away team: 1705 Δ = -5.5
match result: 3 — 2
with no games adjourned
Submitted by: Peter Horlock at: 23:13:52 on: 04-03-2010
Confirmed by: Christian Montanari at: 08:15:06 on: 06-03-2010
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